Peak Valley: Why startups are going elsewhere

The world this week


Copying allowed

What other countries can learn from Singapore’s schools

Rigorous teaching methods and excellent teachers keep the island-state top of the class

The new geography of innovation

Why startups are leaving Silicon Valley

Its primacy as a technology hub is on the wane. That is cause for concern

Going south

America’s deal with Mexico will make NAFTA worse

Its costly new regulations result from flawed economic logic

Genocide in Myanmar

Burmese generals should stand trial for atrocities against the Rohingya

The West should stop coddling Aung San Suu Kyi

Show me the money

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are useless

For blockchains, the jury is still out



Letters to the editor


All the young prudes

Naked Europe covers up



Silicon Valley is changing, and its lead over other tech hubs narrowing

Great success has brought high costs and structural change



Means of resistance

Obituary: John McCain