Technology Quarterly | Token efforts

Initial coin offerings have become big business

Fundraising with cryptocurrencies is booming, but is that a good thing?

IT LOOKED like just another cryptocurrency scam. On April 18th the website of Savedroid, a German company, went offline, to be replaced by an image from “South Park”, a scatological cartoon, bearing the legend “Aannnd it’s gone”. Yassin Hankir, Savedroid’s boss, published a Twitter post that showed him first in an airport and later on a beach, with the caption “Thanks guys! Over and out…” The implication was that the company was gone and its founder had made off with $50m raised from sales of its cryptocurrency, SVD.

This article appeared in the Technology Quarterly section of the print edition under the headline “Token efforts”

Peak Valley: Why startups are going elsewhere

From the September 1st 2018 edition

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