How well will vaccines work?

The world this week


The pandemic

How well will vaccines work?

Covid-19 may become endemic. Governments need to start thinking about how to cope

The persecution of the Uyghurs

“Genocide” is the wrong word for the horrors of Xinjiang

To confront evil, the first step is to describe it accurately

An end to exceptionalism

Reducing child poverty in America

The White House and a prominent Republican senator propose copying a European scheme

Life, the universe and everything

The search for ET may soon yield an answer

Whether there is intelligence out there is a different matter


On Scotland, GameStop, Jack Dorsey, markets, innovation, primaries, baseball, Rizlas

Letters to the editor


Vaccine efficacy

When covid-19 vaccines meet the new variants of the virus

A lot depends on blocking transmission, not just disease

Fear, uncertainty and doubt

Vaccine hesitancy is putting progress against covid-19 at risk

If the world is to tame the virus, the doubts will need to be fought


The search for ET hots up

If life exists beyond Earth, science may find it soon



Seer of the Anthropocene

Paul Crutzen died on January 28th

Economic & financial indicators