The threat to world trade

The world this week


The threat to world trade

The rules-based system is in grave danger

Donald Trump’s tariffs on steel and aluminium would be just the start

Talks with North Korea

Treat Kim Jong Un’s nuclear offer with caution

His demands are a non-starter

Italy votes for irresponsibility

Why Europe should be worried

With populists in the driving seat, Italy is heading for trouble

Stop, thief!

Malaysia’s PM is about to steal an election

American officials say he already stole millions from taxpayers

Early warning

African countries are borrowing too much

The dangers of reckless lending and feckless borrowing



Letters to the editor


A tariffically bad idea

The looming global trade war

America is setting dangerous new precedents as it tries to curb imports

It ain’t necessarily so

Five things Donald Trump thinks about trade that are not true

And one that is


Italy’s discontent

Why the populists won

Mrs Merkel goes fourth

A new coalition in Germany


Technology Quarterly

Listening underwater

Sing a song of sonar

Undersea mining

Race to the bottom

Herding fish

Net gains

Military applications

Mutually assured detection

Brain scan

Wendy Schmidt

Measuring the seas

Gliders on the storm

Ocean internet

Sailing the wired seas