Finance & economics

A bit rich

Italian securities

Mission implausible

South Africa's economy


Up the NAIRU without a paddle

In the 1970s, mainstream thinking on unemployment converted to a new conservative orthodoxy. Now, liberals are making those ideas their own

Investment banking

Eviction in the City

The troublesome marriage of Germany's Dresdner Bank with Kleinwort Benson, a British merchant bank, has lessons for other would-be suitors

Crédit Lyonnais

An affair of state

Crédit Lyonnais

Problems, problems

The bank, the studio, the mogul and the lawyers

Crédit Lyonnais is having a miserable time in Hollywood. It can expect harder times in Paris too

Crédit Lyonnais

A state puppet?

From the archive

The death of Drexel

From the archives

A tax to keep cool

In 1989, The Economist argued that the only way for governments to stop global warming is to put a price on pollution, preferably with a carbon tax

From the archive

Schumpeter Centenary

In June we published four essays marking the centenary of the birth of Maynard Keynes. A number of readers asked for an article on 1983's other centenarian economist, Joseph Schumpeter. Here it is.