Next to blow: Britain’s constitution

The world this week


The next to blow

Britain’s constitutional time-bomb

Brexit is already a political crisis. Sooner or later it will become a constitutional crisis, too

Buggins belongs at the back

When picking leaders, the EU should put skill before box-ticking

Surely Europe can find a better president than Manfred Weber?

Calibration problem

How central banks should prepare for the next recession

They must change their targets and find new tools—while avoiding a populist takeover

One thousand and one sleepless nights

The trade war and finance

Alibaba’s experience shows how relations between America and China have soured

Fighting thugs with thugs

Jair Bolsonaro will not defeat crime in Brazil by tolerating militias

Like Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, he thinks more violence is the answer


On the Sahel, Australia, India, smart speakers, Venezuela, IKEA, joke politicians

Letters to the editor


The next crisis

The Brexit referendum and the British constitution

It is not just the country’s politics which are a mess; so is the structure they rest on



Economic & financial indicators