Mr Bush goes to Europe

The world this week


Europe and America

Mr Bush goes to Europe

For all their squabbles, America and Europe are not alien worlds. They still have lots in common

After Peru’s election

A test of Toledo’s steel

The new president has much to do to overcome the legacies of authoritarianism

Energy prices

When caps do not fit

Controls on energy prices sound appealing to consumers, but they are wrong-headed

And now for Europe?

Europe is at the top of Tony Blair’s agenda, but he should not rush into a referendum on euro entry

Agricultural subsidies

Towards efficient farm support

It is time to replace indiscriminate subsidies to agriculture with a new mechanism

American justice

Free Jenna!

A Joan of Arc, burning on the pyre of American puritanism


Restitution in Poland and the Czech Republic

Muddy water

Crisis in Berlin

All change?

France’s prime minister

He just trotted along

Russia and its oligarchs

Who’s next?

Serbia and Slobodan Milosevic

The noose tightens

Slovakia’s populists

Snap and snarl

The EU’s summit in Gothenburg

Enlargement ahoy?



The second term

Tony’s big ambitions

Leadership poll

The handbags are out

The pound and the euro

Maybe, say the money men

Lord Archer’s trial

A battle of diaries

Foot-and-mouth and tourism

The policy of silly walks

United States


Theodore McCain

Air-traffic control

Let pilots do it

The mayoral election in Los Angeles

Is he up to it?

Tobacco and the courts

Butt surely not $3 billion?


In cod we trust

The Florida recount

Unfair, again

Trade policy

Steely resolve

The Americas

Colombia’s wars

Progress, of sorts

Politics in Ecuador

El loco’s own goal

Argentina’s economy

Cavallo pawns an uncertain future


Japanese politics

Problems of success

Chinese-American relations

More sound than fury

Idyllic Indonesia

An island to call your own

Nepal’s week of horror

After the royal massacre


Iran’s presidential election

Khatami faces a treacherous second term

Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire

After the Tel Aviv suicide-bomb

Nigerian tourism

Holidays for masochists

Iran’s mismanaged industries

The sad tale of a textile factory

Central African Republic

An old coup hand


E-strategy brief: Merrill Lynch

A reluctant success

Regulating the Internet

Tied up in knots

Sweden’s Investor

Prepare to board

Corporate restructuring

Japan Inc on the treadmill

Investment in Saudi Arabia

Old flames rekindled

South American airlines

Don’t fly with me, Argentina

Face value

Hard man Harry

Finance & economics

Bank regulation

Capital cushion fight

Takeovers in Europe

Sugaring the pill

Rating agencies

Reluctant watchdogs

Banking in Utah

From Mormon to mammon

Economics focus

Still broken

Science & technology

Planetary formation

A place like home?

The scramjet


Structural genomics

Strategic thinking

Arctic pollution

POP goes the theory


Modern Greek history

From small acorns

New American fiction

Ageing disgracefully

Ideas in America

Flexible response

American politics

Bush v Gore, again

Contemporary art

Arte Povera

Contemporary art

Anarchy and ecstasy

Architectural styles

Fat or thin