The Silly Isles: Brexit after May

The world this week


The Silly Isles

The trouble with Theresa May’s promise to resign

It does nothing to solve Britain’s Brexit mess

King Bibi

Binyamin Netanyahu: a parable of modern populism

In Israel, as elsewhere, politics is a perplexing mix of sound policy and the cynical erosion of institutions

Inversions and aversions

Europe’s economy is more worrying than America’s yield-curve inversion

Bond markets are sounding warnings on both sides of the Atlantic. But the message is much worse in Europe

Trump resurgent

Lessons of the Mueller report

Every political scandal sets a precedent for the next

Culture vultures

The moral maze of museum management

The case for giving back stolen art is strong. For refusing tainted donations, less so


On Chernobyl, the Irish, councils, Tom Watson, energy, China, Brexit, first class

Letters to the editor


Statesman and schemer

The success of Binyamin Netanyahu’s divisive politics in Israel

When solutions are daunting and unpalatable, why seek them?



Economic & financial indicators