Excelentisimo Clinton
MEXICO dressed herself up for Bill Clinton this week. She put on a parade of cavalry and glinting swords and ornamental cannon; she hid her blemishes behind a thick layer of security goons, who kept poor people out of sight. Mr Clinton, on his first visit to Mexico as president, responded gallantly. He praised Mexico's majestic past and her dynamic future; he lauded her writers and archaeological treasures; he rejoiced in her political and economic reform. And, like a proud woman, Mexico was delighted to be respected as an equal. During the two days of the visit, President Ernesto Zedillo kept on saying how important it was that Mr Clinton looked upon Mexico as a “sovereign nation” (unlike some gringos, went the subtext). “Thank you, Excelentisimo Clinton,” he said glowingly.
This article appeared in the New Articles section of the print edition under the headline “Excelentisimo Clinton”
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