Special reports

Parallel universe

International banking

Special reports -

Geopolitics and technology threaten America’s financial dominance. And now the covid-19 pandemic is precipitating a split, says Matthieu Favas

International banking

Geopolitics and technology threaten America’s financial dominance

And now the covid-19 pandemic is precipitating a split, says Matthieu Favas

Global banks

As China goes global, its banks are coming out, too

European banks are losing their influence

International currencies

China wants to make the yuan a central-bank favourite

And it is playing a trump card in order to achieve it

Payment systems

The financial world’s nervous system is being rewired

And it is not America that is doing it

After covid-19

Can China be trusted to be a responsible financial power?

There are still a lot of questions that it must answer

Previous report

Loosening up

South Korea

Special reports -

South Korea is going through deep social, economic change. But the transformation is still fragile, and covid-19 is not helping, says Lena Schipper