Obituary | Morality and butchery

Ebrahim Raisi was obsessed with the security of the people

The hardline president of Iran died in a helicopter crash on May 19th, aged 63

Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi on January 24th 2024
Photograph: Getty Images

As the helicopter rose through the misting clouds, Ebrahim Raisi stared sombrely out of the window. The view, of the rugged mountains of north-west Iran, should have been magnificent. Today, there was not so much to see. And in any case he was not given to smiling. It did not suit the black turban he wore, a token of his descent from the Prophet, or his usual black clerical robes, or his thin glasses. He preferred to appear as what he was, an unbending expert on sharia law, for whom chopping off the hands of thieves was “one of our greatest honours”.

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This article appeared in the Obituary section of the print edition under the headline “Ebrahim Raisi”

From the May 25th 2024 edition

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