Finance & economics | Buttonwood

Can anything pop the everything bubble?

Risky assets are proving extraordinarily resilient to threats

A strong balloon shown as tougher than attacking sharp objects
Image: Satoshi Kambayashi

For a certain type of investor, last year came as a relief. True, the losses were grim. But at least markets were starting to make sense. Over the previous decade, central banks had pumped out floods of new money to buy bonds. Interest rates were kept unnaturally low, or even negative. The result was an “everything bubble”, a speculative mania in which valuations surged everywhere from stocks to housing to baffling crypto assets. It was never going to end well, and in 2022 it didn’t: inflation killed off cheap money; the everything bubble popped; asset prices plunged. Some were even approaching rationality. A return to reassuringly dull investing—based on fundamentals, not hype—beckoned.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “Once you pop”

From the July 8th 2023 edition

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