1843 magazine

Travelling the moan zone

Airlines offer business travellers, their most important customers, a rotten deal. Time to turn the tables

DVD’s retail revolution

The unprecedented success of DVD—the most film-maker friendly medium yet—is transforming Hollywood out of all recognition

Buy your own fractional jet

Busy executives who used to fly Concorde are now buying timeshares in corporate jets—and paying no more for the privilege

Enough is enough

Alain de Botton on how we can have so much, yet still feel so lacking

Common threads

The fashion designer’s job today is to find a leitmotif that unifies people of different ages and cultural backgrounds—so each may interpret the message in his or her own way

A girl’s best friend

More sparkle and lustre than diamond and a tenth of the price, what stands in Moissanite’s way?

Top tipples

Bartenders the world over are endlessly innovative with their cocktails

Mind over matter

Lives and careers may be wrecked by people failing to make themselves mentally attractive. Yet doing so is really not difficult

Asia’s confidence trick

How best to profit from Asia’s—and especially China’s— spectacular growth? Buy Japan

Dressed to dazzle

As high-tech materials invade high-street fashion, prepare for clothes that are cooler than silk and warmer than wool, keep insects at arm’s length, and emit pinpricks of coloured light