Technology Quarterly | A design for living

Some claim human lifespans can be lengthened indefinitely

Why not try a “country club for precision diagnostics” while you wait?

A woman walking through four circles demonstrating distinct stages of her life.
Image: Anuj Shrestha

There is a story about a blues musician who, when questioned on his 100th birthday about his decades of smoking and drinking, responded that if he’d known he was going to live so long, he’d have taken better care of himself. Bryan Johnson is that apocryphal bluesman’s polar opposite. He has been taking care of himself for years to a degree as remarkable, in its way, as the deepest devotion to bourbon and bad choices. By sacrificing the now for the future, rather than the other way around, he turns disposable-soma theory on its head.

This article appeared in the Technology Quarterly section of the print edition under the headline “A design for living”

From the September 30th 2023 edition

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