Some health apps are able not just to diagnose diseases, but also to treat them
They are rapidly becoming an important part of health care
“IT LOOKS LIKE your back is a bit tight today. Let’s modify your workout.” The voice is gentle yet commanding, the instructions rolled out in the signature cadence of a physiotherapist. It is also unmistakably robotic. The AI physio issues her commands straight from a smartphone’s speakers. A phone with a camera is all she needs to do her job: select the exercises to suit the patient’s injury, guide him through each session and order corrections when he is not doing something right (bending a knee at the wrong angle, for example). An AI algorithm marks up his body as he moves, which is how it knows when a joint is hurting or the back is stiffer than the day before.
This article appeared in the Technology Quarterly section of the print edition under the headline “Digital therapeutics”