Technology Quarterly | The sum of all lives

The way people live their lives can be mined, too

But there will be setbacks and privacy problems along the way

THREADWORMS ARE trending, according to the app on Johannes Schildt’s phone. The app was created by Kry, the Swedish digital health-care firm Mr Schildt runs. It offers information on the sicknesses for which people are currently booking doctor’s appointments, as well as on things specifically important to its user—it keeps Mr Schildt, who suffers from hay fever, up to date with the pollen count. It lets him book an appointment with a family doctor or a specialist, and indeed to have such an appointment by phone. None of this sounds particularly stretching. But in health care, it counts as radical.

This article appeared in the Technology Quarterly section of the print edition under the headline “The coming of the datome”

The politics of pandemics

From the March 14th 2020 edition

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