Technology Quarterly
ubiquitous computing
Drastic falls in cost are powering another computer revolution
Technology Quarterly -
- Ubiquitous computing: Drastic falls in cost are powering another computer revolution
- Smart homes: Tech firms think the home is the next big computing platform
- From the home to the office: Companies are taking advantage of their new ability to track their workers
- Computerised farming: Sensors and AI are finding their way into the barnyard
- Throwaway technology: How to build a disposable microchip
- Cyber security: A connected world will be a playground for hackers
- When humans are connected: Hugo Campos has waged a decade-long battle for access to his heart implant
- Connected future: The Internet of Things will bring the internet’s business model into the rest of the world
Ubiquitous computing
Drastic falls in cost are powering another computer revolution
The Internet of Things is the next big idea in computing
Smart homes
Tech firms think the home is the next big computing platform
Many of the technologies needed to make smart homes work already exist
From the home to the office
Companies are taking advantage of their new ability to track their workers
And, increasingly, their customers too
Computerised farming
Sensors and AI are finding their way into the barnyard
With 80m cows in the rich world alone, there’s no shortage of potential customers
Throwaway technology
How to build a disposable microchip
Many chips will be embedded into objects like clothes, food and water-treatment plants
Cyber security
A connected world will be a playground for hackers
Few companies making connected gadgets have much experience with cyber security
When humans are connected
Hugo Campos has waged a decade-long battle for access to his heart implant
What happens when humans are connected to smart machines?
Connected future
The Internet of Things will bring the internet’s business model into the rest of the world
For better and for worse
Previous report
The future of flight
Technology Quarterly -
- Aviation: Despite setbacks, aviation is changing fast
- Manufacturing: Aircraft construction is being transformed
- Propulsion systems: Smaller planes could soon use electric propulsion
- Avionics: Pilotless planes are on the way
- Aviation and the environment: Using aviation biofuel continues to be difficult
- Faster than sound: Supersonic aeroplanes could make a comeback
- Urban air mobility: Flying cars are almost here, but they don’t look like cars