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The fragmentation of global finance

icon-calendar Thursday May 16th 2024
The fragmentation of global finance

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Event overview

The world's financial system, long centred on America, is more globalised than ever. Yet it is now in danger of fragmenting along geopolitical lines. Join Joshua Roberts, the author of a new special report, for a look at how the international financial geography is changing, and its risks and opportunities for rich and poor countries.


  • Rachana Shanbhogue
    Business affairs editor
    Rachana is business affairs editor for The Economist, responsible for the paper’s business, finance and science coverage. She has previously been finance editor, and before that wrote about European economies. She joined the staff in 2017 as business correspondent. Previously she worked at the Bank of England, where she covered the UK labour market, Asian economies, and policy communication. She holds an MPhil and a BA in Economics from King’s College, Cambridge.
  • Cerian Richmond Jones
    International economics correspondent
    Cerian is The Economist‘s international economics correspondent. She joined in 2022 and covers economic trends in the global south. Before The Economist, Cerian was a Henry Fellow at Yale Law School. She is a graduate of Balliol College, Oxford.
  • Joshua Roberts
    Finance correspondent
    Joshua Roberts writes for The Economist‘s finance section, covering capital markets and investment. He was previously the paper’s City of London correspondent. Josh joined The Economist in 2021 after spending five years advising asset managers about the interest rate and foreign exchange markets. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Mathematics from Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge.


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