Sources and acknowledgments
The writer would like to thank the following people, as well as many who preferred not to be named, for their help:
Coen Armstrong, Douglas Arnor, Suresh Badhami, Christopher Beddor, Keshav Binani, Luca Bocchio, Alex Chehade, Marco Cipriani, Patrick Collison, Katherine Conroy, Céline Dufétel, Linda Goldberg, Kim Grauer, Martin Gronemann, Navin Gupta, Melissa Guzy, Matthew Janney, Kamal Kant, Hiro Kiga, Gabriele Laspada, David Liang, Antoine Martin,Tamara Moellenberg, Saurabh Mukherjea,Uttam Nayak, Harry Nellis, Nandan Nilekani, Jack Poon, Praveena Rai, Raghuram Rajan, Alex Rampell, Renuka Sane, Harshjit Sethi, Ajay Shah,Tej Shah, Sameer Shetty, Ahmed Siddiqui, Daleep Singh, Hera Smith, Lewis Sun, Alex Tran, Rich Turrin, Lulu Wang, Jason Zhao and staff at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.
The writer also recommends the following sources for further reading: