Sources and acknowledgments
In addition to those named in the report, the author would like to thank:
Khalid Alremeithi, Emily Anderson, Mark Attanasio, Joseph Baratta, Jim Barry, Lorna Bowen, Delaney Brown, Roberto Cagnati, Matthieu Chabran, Jennifer Chu, Rainer Ender, Richard Ennis, Tom Evans, Per Franzen, Michael Halford, Tom Hill, Nic Humphries, Bryan Hunkele, Helen Idenstedt, Neill Jakobe, Yup Kim, Bryce Klempner, Marilyn Lion, Marco Masotti, Henry McVey, Mike Meyer, Gerald O’Hara, Peter Orszag, Arjun Raghavan, Andrew Sachs, Andrew Schardt, Joseph Schull, Andrew Sealey, Scott Shleifer, Rebecca Silberstein, Nick Sims, Simon Sinclair, Pete Stavros, Rüdiger Stucke, Yen Sum, Raymond Svider, John Toomey
This article appeared in the Special report section of the print edition under the headline “Sources and acknowledgments”