Special report | Chinese youth

Young Chinese are both patriotic and socially progressive

That mix is already changing their country, says Stephanie Studer, our China correspondent

THE DAILY flag-raising ceremony at sunrise on Tiananmen Square draws a youthful crowd, often from out of town. Queues form even in the biting Beijing winter. The show is over in minutes: China’s red flag is hoisted and an army band strikes up the national anthem. The first rays of sunlight illuminate the portrait of Mao Zedong hanging in the square. In a tribute known to all Chinese youths, Mao once said: “The world is yours as well as ours. But in the last analysis, it is yours. You young people...are like the sun at eight or nine in the morning...We put our hopes in you.”

This article appeared in the Special report section of the print edition under the headline “Generation Xi”

Morning after in America

From the January 23rd 2021 edition

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