Special reports

The search for stability

Stabilising the climate

Special reports -

There has never been a collective human endeavour more ambitious than stabilising the climate. In this special report our journalists assess what it will take to meet the historic goals agreed on in Paris six years ago

Stabilising the climate

The agenda for the COP 26 summit

There has never been a collective human endeavour more ambitious than stabilising the climate. In this special report our journalists assess what it will take to meet the historic goals agreed on in Paris six years ago

The state of play

What the Paris agreement of 2015 meant

Replacing fossil fuels is becoming easier. But temperatures are still likely to rise too far

The Asian century’s emissions

How Asia is crucial in the battle against climate change

Whether the climate can ever be stabilised depends largely on Asia

Economics and energy

The economics of the climate

Energy choices shape economies—and could reshape them

Negative emissions

Why the world needs negative emissions

If negative emissions are to play a role in policy much more needs to be done to make them practically achievable

Veils and ignorance

Governing the atmosphere

Technologies which might stabilise the climate could do the reverse to international relations

Previous report

the new order

World trade

Special reports -

Trade has been about growth and efficiency. Now other goals are competing for attention, says Soumaya Keynes