The UN has too much on its plate
Missions impossible
MANKEUR NDIAYE, a former foreign minister of Senegal who heads the UN’s peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic (CAR), is a tall man with a tall task. The peace agreement between the CAR and 14 armed groups signed in February 2019 is the eighth since 2013, when French intervention narrowly averted a genocide. The situation remains fragile in a country that is rich in diamonds and gold but poor in other respects. Elections loom in December. With a budget of $1bn, twice that of the national government, the UN mission’s 12,000-odd soldiers and 2,000 police operate across a territory the size of France and Belgium combined. In some areas the state has no effective presence. The CAR has porous borders with other troubled places, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan and South Sudan. The hope is that peacekeepers plus international aid give the brittle state a chance.
This article appeared in the Special report section of the print edition under the headline “Missions impossible”