Special reports
The perils of oblivion
Special reports -
Nowhere in the world is ready to cope with the global explosion of dementia, writes Simon Long
- Dementia: As humanity ages the numbers of people with dementia will surge
- The science: The search for a cure for dementia is not going well
- Care: The big question about dementia care is who is going to do it
- Going abroad: Might dementia tourism to lower-wage economies become a trend?
- Financing care: No country has found a sustainable way to finance dementia care
- Ethics: Too often the basic rights of people with dementia are overlooked
As humanity ages the numbers of people with dementia will surge
The world is ill-prepared for the frightening human, economic and social implications
The science
The search for a cure for dementia is not going well
But behavioural changes can reduce the risk of developing it
The big question about dementia care is who is going to do it
The best care is “people-centred”, ie, labour-intensive
Going abroad
Might dementia tourism to lower-wage economies become a trend?
It will remain a niche market; but shows how the best care needs a lot of carers
Financing care
No country has found a sustainable way to finance dementia care
And most have not even tried
Too often the basic rights of people with dementia are overlooked
But trying to respect them can raise painful ethical dilemmas
Previous report
An outsized punch
The Midwest
Special reports -
America’s Midwest matters out of proportion to its size, says Adam Roberts