Special report | Discontent

Social unrest in places like Hong Kong is not proof of economic failure

Quite the oppposite, in fact

City on a hill or a precipice?

THE MOLOTOV COCKTAILS, one blue, one yellow, arrive swaddled in a towel and wedged in a backpack. Wearing builders’ gloves and Guy Fawkes masks, the protesters balance them casually on a railing, like mixologists in a bar. Then the bricks arrive, piled on a trolley, hidden under a canopy of umbrellas. The protesters spend a few exultant minutes hurling projectiles and insults down the stairs of a subway exit at riot police below. A burst of flames adds drama, and is enough to provoke a response: a canister of tear gas rocketing up the stairs. The protesters disperse, and a row of police march up behind a tessellation of shields, firing gas as they go.

This article appeared in the Special report section of the print edition under the headline “Tyger, tyger, burning”

Britain’s nightmare before Christmas

From the December 7th 2019 edition

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