Special report | Definitions

How red is your capitalism?

Telling a state-controlled from a private firm can be tricky

Ma shows how

“THERE ARE NO genuinely private companies in China,” declares a veteran adviser to multinational companies. In one sense he is right. The state and the party are omnipresent and their role is enshrined in the law. Moreover, as Kent Kedl of Control Risks, an investigative firm, explains, “you don’t become successful in China as a purely private entity, you need a powerful connection. But this can prove an asset or a liability.” Cronies of Bo Xilai, a once-powerful Communist Party boss who is now in jail, know this only too well.

This article appeared in the Special report section of the print edition under the headline “How red is your capitalism?”

Exodus. Refugees, compassion and democracies

From the September 12th 2015 edition

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