Graphic detail

Nobel prizes in physics

Good things come to those who wait

It takes ever longer for physicists to win a Nobel prize

Germany's unification

United they stand

Twenty years after unification eastern Germany still struggles along


All that glitters is not gold

A lesson in how not to invest

Bank bail-outs

The luck of the Irish

Ireland's property hangover continues

HIV/AIDS treatment

On the right path

Access to HIV/AIDS treatment is increasing for those who need it most

Public opinion on reducing deficits

Dealing with debt

Which countries would prefer to raise taxes or cut spending

Israeli settlements

Settling in

Israeli construction in the West Bank and Gaza

Obesity rates

Fat of the lands

The bulging problem of obesity

The Millennium Development Goals

Meeting targets

A progress report on the the Millennium Development Goals

Censorship of The Economist

Blacked out

Where The Economist is censored

Standards of living

Beyond GDP

A new global comparison of standards of living

Pope visits

Mobile Pope

Where the pope likes to go on his official travels