Finance & economics | Private banking

Sweet success

Belgium's private banks create a new destination for the jet set


WHICH small western European country is known for its delectable chocolates and wealthy bankers? Switzerland is the obvious answer, but increasingly Belgium is attracting attention for the richness of its banks as well as the sweetness of its pralines. The Belgian private-banking industry is booming. Growth, though from a low level, is far faster than in more famous banking centres such as Switzerland and Luxembourg. According to a recent annual survey of private banking by McKinsey, a firm of international consultants, between 2003 and 2005 the Belgian private-banking market grew by 27% a year, compared with an average of 12% for the rest of Europe.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “Sweet success”

A chance for a safer world

From the January 6th 2007 edition

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